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宮地 薫 みやち かおる

写真家・文筆家 / 1990年大阪生まれ、愛知育ち。


第9回「1_WALL」入選。近年の個展:「Anchor」(2017-2018年、ØL by OSLO BREWING CO.・東京)、「Guiding Star」(2015年、Calo・大阪)

これまでの主な作品:『No one is an island』『暖かい呼吸』『黄櫨に染まる』 

作品『No one is an island』では、高校時に留学していたホストファミリーに再会し、再確認した「人は人によって生かされている」ということを彼らの家族の形を見て感じ、彼らの生活しているそのままをカメラに収める写真群を作成。『暖かい呼吸』では、大阪に住む祖母を約2年間撮影し続け彼女の生きる姿勢から見えた、美しさや、尊さ、強さを、写真をとり続けるなかでテーマとし、与えられた命を大切に生きる様子を写真に収め、グループ展に参加。​『黄櫨に染まる』では、祖父母が当時身につけていた衣服を、記憶の回想をテーマに撮影。シワや糸のほつれなどにフォーカスし、祖父母の衣服から発せられる物語を記録しようと試み、初めての個展を開催。



Kaoru Miyachi

Photographer​・writer / 1990 Born in Osaka and raised in Aichi prefecture. Lives and works in Japan.

BA in Photography at Tokyo Polytechnic University. After working in studio as an assistant, she started her career as an independent photographer. Recent Exhibitions: "Anchor" 2017-2018, ØL by OSLO BREWING CO., Tokyo, "Guiding Star" 2015, Calo, Osaka.

Editorial work: No one is an island ('10), Warm Lights ('13), Becoming Yellow ('14), Hello Journal ('16).

From "No one is an island", she visited her host family who have taken care of her for a year when she was 16, and looks back the fact that human beings do not thrive when isolated from others. Trough making "warm Lights ", She keeps capturing her grand mother's lives for 2 years, and showing her stalwart heart. And "Becoming yellow" try to recall memory, trough taking her grand parents's clothes. For her lifework, to looking the answer for her main theme of lives "How to aging gracefully", interviewing to persons who she meets during her life, and captures them and makes ZINEs with articles.

All rights reserved. 

©︎ Kaoru Miyachi photography

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